What is domain authority?

Domain authority: What is it?

To guide your digital strategy in the right direction, it is crucial to define domain authority and what it is not.

When compared to its rivals, a domain’s likelihood of appearing in the SERPs is predicted by a metric called “Domain Authority” (DA), which was first created by Moz:

Therefore, it is not a metric that will improve your ranking in SERPs (SERPs). On the other hand, domain authority is a helpful metric for gauging how well your website is doing in relation to competitors.

Moz isn’t the only company making use of this metric anymore. Different search engine optimization (SEO) tools, such as SEMrush, have developed their own Authority metrics, which are algorithms that calculate the Authority score based on data such as backlinks, referring domains, or search traffic. Accordingly, despite not being a Google-approved ranking factor, it is a helpful metric to understand how healthy your site is in comparison to those of your competitors.

What’s a good domain authority score?

The higher the number, the more likely the search engine results page (SERP) will be better. Moz’s Domain Authority search engine ranking score ranges from 1 to 100. The SEO tool considers both the quantity and quality of links that a webpage receives when defining this metric. A page will be more likely to have a higher score if it has backlinks from authoritative pages, such as Google, Wikipedia, official government pages, well-known newspapers or magazines. It will be more likely — and more beneficial — to get some backlinks over others depending on the type of industry or the features of the website.

Consequently, different industries have different standards for what constitutes a high domain authority. Finally, it is essential to investigate your major competitors and draw conclusions about your website based on data from both your own and your competitors’ rankings.

To what extent can I learn about my Domain Authority?

Checking your site’s Domain Authority is easy and free with Moz’s Link Explorer. To have your Domain Authority automatically calculated, you need to enter the root URL of your domain, like HubSpot.com.

An Examination of the Two Authorities

Domain Authority measures how likely it is that a website as a whole will rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs), as opposed to Page Authority, which primarily considers the likelihood of ranking each individual page of a website.

This allows you to examine the performance of specific pages, like blog posts or product pages, and determine which ones could benefit from improvement.

Based on the pages with the most room for improvement, the DA PA checker can assist you in prioritizing and defining the next actions to develop as part of your digital strategy.

Building Domain Authority Currently,

Let’s put this into action: how can you rank higher than your rivals and increase your domain authority?

According to Google, it’s not just about the total number of links pointing to your website or the total number of domain links; it’s also about the relevance of those links, or the ones that help people understand the content of your website.

Here are some points to keep in mind as you work to increase your domain authority:

  • Before quantity, quality. Prioritize relevant backlinks over thousands of unimportant ones. Check your backlinks to make sure all the interesting sites have a do-follow attribute. Produce high-quality content to make obtaining organic backlinks easier.
  • Create content that is targeted at your core audience and has the potential to be appealing to them and go viral.
  • Refresh your older content. Add new, user-interesting information to the pages that have unindexed content or low page authority scores. Identify your rivals and evaluate yourself against them.
  • Examine the actions you take and those you avoid taking to improve the visibility of your website.
  • Analyze the sources of the backlinks coming from your main competitors. Can you also obtain similar ones?
  • Promote your website’s content through additional channels, like social media or a newsletter, in a distinctive and original way.
  • Building your domain authority is an ongoing process that takes time and doesn’t produce results right away. To increase traffic to your website, you can increase your website’s visibility on SERPs by implementing these strategies.”

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